A "Systems Approach" To Financial Planning
Financial Planning is the development and implementation of a coordinated plan for the achievement of your overall financial objectives. Whether these objectives may include investment management, tax and retirement planning, or estate planning, at Broussard Financial Group, we consider the relationship of each of these important financial securities. We take a “systems approach” to achieving your financial goals and work strictly on a Fee-Only, Fiduciary Basis.
The Fiduciary Difference
You may have heard someone reference that Broussard Financial Group is a fiduciary. What does that mean? A fiduciary is required, by law, to always act in the best interest of the client. They must always operate in an objective, unbiased manner and eliminate or disclose any conflicts of interest.
Client-Centered, Client-First
As a Fee Only planner, we receive no compensation from any product recommended. We do not represent any product or company; we only represent you, the client. Our compensation comes only from the fees paid by our clients. We NEVER accept commissions, trails, cross- selling fees, referral fee arrangements, kickbacks, surrender fees, sales contests, “educational cruises” and vacations, or “free” gifts.
Unbiased Advice
Because Fee Only planners have no monetary interest in your purchase or investment decision, you do not have to wonder if the recommendations offered are being influenced by commissions or other forms of vendor-paid compensation. Because there are no third-party influences to color the financial and investment recommendations rendered, Fee Only planners can concentrate on providing the highest level of personalized service and offer professional, independent, unbiased advice.